Rexroth - Pilot-operated

Catálogo Rexroth para Pilot-operated. Puede buscar utilizando referencias cruzadas y las principales características técnicas.
Part Number Description Price Category
R901065504 4WRH 10 E1-25-7X//M $1.412,71 4WRH
R901110843 4WRH10E1-50-7X//M $4.006,51 4WRH
R900963354 4WRH10E1-50-7X//V $4.407,19 4WRH
R900968261 4WRH10E1-85-7X//M $4.006,51 4WRH
R900966758 4WRH10E25-7X//M $2.442,64 4WRH
R900952037 4WRH 10 E25-7X//V $1.381,66 4WRH
R900776231 4WRH 10 E25-7X/J/M $1.507,25 4WRH
R900957875 4WRH10E50-7X//M $2.442,64 4WRH
R900953796 4WRH10E50-7X//V $3.918,42 4WRH
R900957936 4WRH10E85-7X//M $2.442,64 4WRH
R900953297 4WRH10E85-7X//V $3.918,42 4WRH
R900704472 4WRH10W6-25-7X//M $2.442,64 4WRH
R900951871 4WRH10W6-25-7X//V $2.131,48 4WRH
R901228003 4WRH 10 W6-25-7X/J/M $1.507,25 4WRH
R901213102 4WRH10W6-25-7X/J/V $1.411,07 4WRH

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