Rexroth - Direct operated

Catálogo Rexroth para Direct operated. Puede buscar utilizando referencias cruzadas y las principales características técnicas.
Part Number Description Price Category
R900426478 DBDA6G1X/315 $729,64 DBD
R901236209 DBDH10K1X/330VE $973,49 DBD
R900433807 DBDH 10 K1X/630 $435,80 DBD
R900334729 DBDH 20 K1X/25V $788,33 DBD
R901140070 DBDH 4 K1X/25V $438,79 DBD.4K
R900346244 DBD.10G1X/.../12 $308,35 DBD
R900428978 DBD.10P1X/ $661,20 DBD
R900597412 DBD. 10 P1X/ ... V/12 $184,44 DBD
R900428979 DBD. 15 G1X/ $836,62 DBD
R900347259 DBD. 15 G1X/ ... /12 $341,70 DBD
R900423747 DBD.20G1X/ $492,58 DBD
R900360029 DBD. 20 G1X/ ... /12 $241,76 DBD
R900423748 DBD. 20 P1X/ $836,62 DBD
R900429157 DBD. 25 G1X/ $1.604,15 DBD
R900359875 DBD. 25 G1X/ ... /12 $484,80 DBD

Next-Generation distribution

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