EWELLIX - Mounted Units

Catálogo EWELLIX para Mounted Units. Puede buscar utilizando referencias cruzadas y las principales características técnicas.
Part Number Peso Description Price Category
BUF16 592g M/1129966 $277,20 Mounted Units
LHCR50 760g M/2201537 $122,36 Mounted Units
LHCR8 18g M/2201530 $62,82 Mounted Units
LSCS16 33g M/2201558 $34,49 Mounted Units
LSCS30 200g M/2201561 $155,54 Mounted Units
flbu40 cn 2,18Kg M/1129954 $707,14 Mounted Units
PLBU50CN 4,36Kg M/1129963 $729,50 Mounted Units
flbu25 cn 1,03Kg M/1129952 $674,33 Mounted Units
BUF-20 769g M/1129967 $277,06 Mounted Units
BUF-25 974g M/1129968 $334,04 Mounted Units
plbu16 cn 924g M/1129958 $567,56 Mounted Units
PLBU-32 CN 1,93Kg M/1129961 $745,42 Mounted Units
flbu16 cn 611g M/1129950 $563,17 Mounted Units
FLBU-32 CN 1,13Kg M/1129953 $687,71 Mounted Units
plbu25 cn 1,62Kg M/1129960 $636,61 Mounted Units

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