Festo - ELGC-BS

Catálogo Festo para ELGC-BS. Puede buscar utilizando referencias cruzadas y las principales características técnicas.
Part Number Size Stroke [mm] Description Price Category
8061498 80 100 ELGC-BS-KF-80-100-16P $1.143,10 ELGC-BS
8061502 80 500 ELGC-BS-KF-80-500-16P $1.358,32 ELGC-BS
8061483 32 800 ELGC-BS-KF-32-800-8P $1.351,01 ELGC-BS
8061490 45 800 ELGC-BS-KF-45-800-10P $1.224,42 ELGC-BS
8061479 32 300 ELGC-BS-KF-32-300-8P $1.026,34 ELGC-BS
8061488 45 500 ELGC-BS-KF-45-500-10P $1.114,66 ELGC-BS
8061493 60 300 ELGC-BS-KF-60-300-12P $1.222,18 ELGC-BS
8061489 45 600 ELGC-BS-KF-45-600-10P $1.153,88 ELGC-BS
8061494 60 400 ELGC-BS-KF-60-400-12P $1.666 ELGC-BS
8061492 60 200 ELGC-BS-KF-60-200-12P $784,04 ELGC-BS
8061496 60 600 ELGC-BS-KF-60-600-12P $1.959,50 ELGC-BS
8061481 32 500 ELGC-BS-KF-32-500-8P $1.785,64 ELGC-BS
8061482 32 600 ELGC-BS-KF-32-600-8P $1.836,34 ELGC-BS
8061503 80 600 ELGC-BS-KF-80-600-16P $2.129,62 ELGC-BS
8061505 80 1.000 ELGC-BS-KF-80-1000-16P $1.136,77 ELGC-BS

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