Festo - SOOD

Catálogo Festo para SOOD. Puede buscar utilizando referencias cruzadas y las principales características técnicas.
Part Number Mounting Position Peso Description Price Category
8075662 optional 10g SOOD-RS-L-PN $211,30 SOOD
8075661 optional 20g SOOD-TB-L-PN $309,49 SOOD
8075660 SOOD-BS-L-PN-80 $235,24 SOOD
8075655 SOOD-BS-R-PN-80 $191,54 SOOD
8075654 SOOD-BS-R-PN-50 $189,78 SOOD
8075657 optional 10g SOOD-RS-R-PN $166,91 SOOD
8075653 SOOD-BS-R-PN-30 $189,55 SOOD
8075659 SOOD-BS-L-PN-50 $235,25 SOOD
8075656 optional 20g SOOD-TB-R-PN $217,08 SOOD
8075658 SOOD-BS-L-PN-30 $257,46 SOOD

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