Festo - SRBC

Catálogo Festo para SRBC. Puede buscar utilizando referencias cruzadas y las principales características técnicas.
Part Number Dimensions Mounting Position Peso Description Price Category
8137096 127 mm x 98 mm x 122 mm optional 800g SRBC-CA4-YR90-N-20N-ZC-C2-EX6 $274,63 SRBC
8137106 SRBC-CA5-YR90-N-1-P-C2 $229,46 SRBC
8137098 SRBC-CA3-YR90-MW-1-1W-M12 $151,45 SRBC
8137093 127 mm x 98 mm x 122 mm optional 800g SRBC-CA3-YR90-MW-1-1WG-C2-EX6 $187,79 SRBC
8137094 SRBC-CA4-YR90-MW-22A-1W-C2 $120,71 SRBC
8137097 SRBC-CA4-YR90-N-1-P-C2 $265,56 SRBC
3482811 SRBC-CA3-YR90-R-2A-1W-C2P20 $240,90 SRBC
8137104 114 mm x 98 mm x 122 mm optional 800g SRBC-CA5-YR90-MW-1-1WG-C2-EX6 $174,92 SRBC
8137099 127 mm x 111 mm x 122 mm optional 800g SRBC-CA3-YR90-MW-1-1WG-M12 $246,97 SRBC
3482808 SRBC-CA3-YR90-N-1-P-C2P20 $305,17 SRBC
8137101 SRBC-CA3-YR90-N-1-P-M12 $312,41 SRBC
8137100 127 mm x 111 mm x 122 mm optional 800g SRBC-CA3-YR90-N-20N-ZC-M12 $323,90 SRBC
3482809 SRBC-CA3-YR90-N-1-N-C2P20 $320,83 SRBC
8137102 SRBC-CA4-YR90-MW-1-1W-M12 $177,86 SRBC
8137103 SRBC-CA5-YR90-MW-22A-1W-C2 $82,73 SRBC

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