Catálogo FESTO para NECU. Puede buscar utilizando referencias cruzadas y las principales características técnicas.
Part Number Peso Description Price Category
562024 78g NECU-S-M8G3-HX $20,28 NECU
543109 443g NECU-M-S-D12G4-C2-ET $61,72 NECU
565712 36g NECU-L3G8-C1 $80,32 NECU
543107 50g NECU-G78G5-C2 $69,98 NECU
570922 NECU-S-ECG4-HX-Q3 $10,06 NECU
564947 333g NECU-S-M12G4-HX-Q7 $24,41 NECU
562028 175g NECU-S-M12G4-HX $19,61 NECU
565709 555g NECU-L3G8-C2-IS $57,72 NECU
5195383 109g NECU-M-PPG5PP-C1-PN $59,04 NECU
574588 59g NECU-S1W9-C2-ACO $208,15 NECU
575719 38g NECU-M-S-A12G4-IS $50,08 NECU
543108 587g NECU-G78G4-C2 $61,73 NECU
570955 18g NECU-S-M12G4-P1-Q6-IS $29,57 NECU
1067905 487g NECU-M-B12G5-C2-PB $53,59 NECU
570953 17g NECU-S-M12G4-P1-IS $16,51 NECU

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