Schiess-Froriep - Ball Bearings

Catálogo Schiess-Froriep para Ball Bearings. Puede buscar utilizando referencias cruzadas y las principales características técnicas.
Part Number Ancho Diámetro interior Diámetro exterior Peso Description Price Category
301209 19mm 45mm 85mm 461g 0167003680000 $33,25 Self-aligning ball bearings
301214 24mm 70mm 125mm 1,25Kg 0167004490000 $80,70 Self-aligning ball bearings
316002 $5,94 Deep groove ball bearings
316006 9mm 30mm 55mm 85g 0167010460000 $16,21 Deep groove ball bearings
316007 9mm 35mm 62mm 104g 0167010620000 $15,61 Deep groove ball bearings
316008 $13,34 Deep groove ball bearings
316009 $14,77 Deep groove ball bearings
316010 10mm 50mm 80mm 177g 0167011000000 $26,75 Deep groove ball bearings
316011 $22,84 Deep groove ball bearings
316012 11mm 60mm 95mm 271g 0167011350000 $28,58 Deep groove ball bearings
316013 11mm 65mm 100mm 294g 0167011430000 $33,59 Deep groove ball bearings
316014 13mm 70mm 110mm 427g 0167011510000 $43,57 Deep groove ball bearings
316015 13mm 75mm 115mm 450g 0167011600000 $47,20 Deep groove ball bearings
316016 14mm 80mm 125mm 590g 0167011780000 $50,38 Deep groove ball bearings
316017 14mm 85mm 130mm 666g 0167011860000 $65,60 Deep groove ball bearings

Next-Generation distribution

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