69 Productos
Descubre todas las configuraciones disponibles para la serie de produtos FESTO ESH Suction cup complete holder. Encuentra el producto correcto filtrando por Retainer version, Suction cup connection y Vacuum connection.
Códigos del producto ESH
Serie | Formato de número de catálogo | Descripción |
ESH | ESH- - - | Suction cup complete holder |
Códigos del producto para el catálogo ESH,
ESH- - -
001 | Series |
ESH | Suction cup complete holder |
002 | Retainer version |
HA | Male thread, 2 nuts, connection on top |
HB | Female thread, connection on the side |
HC | Male thread, 2 nuts, connection on top, height compen- sation |
HCL | Male thread, 2 nuts, connection on top, long height compensation |
HD | Male thread, 2 nuts, connection on the side, height compensation |
HDL | Male thread, 2 nuts, connection on the side, long height compensation |
HE | Male screw-in thread, connection on top |
HF | Male screw-in thread, connection on top, height com- pensation |
003 | Suction cup connection |
1 | Push-in connector 3 mm |
2 | Push-in connector 4 mm |
3 | M4 |
4 | M6 |
5 | M10 |
6 | M20x2 |
004 | Vacuum connection |
QS | Push-in connector |
PK | Barbed fi tting connection |
G | Threaded connection |
M3 | Threaded connection M3 |
M5 | Threaded connection M5 |
G1/8 | Threaded connection G1/8 |
G1/4 | Threaded connection G1/4 |
M10X1 | Threaded connection M10x1 |
M14X1 | Threaded connection M14x1 |