Festo ESH
69 Productos
Descubre todas las configuraciones disponibles para la serie de produtos Festo ESH Suction cup complete holder. Encuentra el producto correcto filtrando por Retainer version, Suction cup connection y Vacuum connection.
Códigos del producto ESH
Serie | Formato de número de catálogo | Descripción |
ESH | ESH- - - | Suction cup complete holder |
Códigos del producto para el catálogo ESH,
ESH- - -
001 | Series |
ESH | Suction cup complete holder |
002 | Retainer version |
HA | Male thread, 2 nuts, connection on top |
HB | Female thread, connection on the side |
HC | Male thread, 2 nuts, connection on top, height compen- sation |
HCL | Male thread, 2 nuts, connection on top, long height compensation |
HD | Male thread, 2 nuts, connection on the side, height compensation |
HDL | Male thread, 2 nuts, connection on the side, long height compensation |
HE | Male screw-in thread, connection on top |
HF | Male screw-in thread, connection on top, height com- pensation |
003 | Suction cup connection |
1 | Push-in connector 3 mm |
2 | Push-in connector 4 mm |
3 | M4 |
4 | M6 |
5 | M10 |
6 | M20x2 |
004 | Vacuum connection |
QS | Push-in connector |
PK | Barbed fi tting connection |
G | Threaded connection |
M3 | Threaded connection M3 |
M5 | Threaded connection M5 |
G1/8 | Threaded connection G1/8 |
G1/4 | Threaded connection G1/4 |
M10X1 | Threaded connection M10x1 |
M14X1 | Threaded connection M14x1 |